IBM Security Directory Integrator Setup How To

linux_x86_64/install_sdiv72_linux_x86_64.bin -i console -r /tmp/sdi-install.props

How to install SDI 7.2

IBM Security Directory Integrator V7.2 for Linux - x86-64 Multil - SDI_7.2_XLIN86_64_ML linux_x86_64/install_sdiv72_linux_x86_64.bin -f sdi-install.props -i silent

How to install SDI 7.2 FP 3

in 7.2.0-ISS-SDI-FP0003 cp UpdateInstaller.jar /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.2/maintenance/ /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.2/bin/ -update 7.2.0-ISS-SDI-FP0003/

How to install TDI 7.1.1 on Linux

  1. Run
./linux_x86_64/install_tdiv711_linux_x86_64.bin -f

Select custom install - unselect embedded web and AMC, select CE updated params, select install a service tdi, everything else is default

Update Java for TDI

unzip java fp

cd /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/
mv jre/ jre.orig
cp -R java6.0-16.7/ibm-java-x86_64-60/jre .
chmod -R 755 jre

(yes, really, that's how IBM asks everyone to configure it)

Install FP5 for TDI

cd /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/maintenance/
mv UpdateInstaller.jar UpdateInstaller.jar.orig
cp tdi7.1.1fp5/UpdateInstaller.jar /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/maintenance/
/opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/bin/ -update tdi7.1.1fp5/

Install RMI Dispatcher

  1. Download IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0 RMI Dispatcher v6.0.34 for Tiv (CN9KTML) -
  2. Decrypt DispatcherInstall.jar (provided)

/opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/jvm/jre/bin/java -jar DispatcherInstall.jar -i silent -DUSER_INSTALL_DIR="/opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1" -DUSER_SELECTED_SOLDIR="/opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/timsol" -DUSER_INPUT_RMI_PORTNUMBER=1099 -DUSER_INPUT_WS_PORTNUMBER=8081

How to install TDI 7.1 as a plugin and add subversion

Ok this is a bit trickier than TDI 7.0. You need to install TDI7.1 into Eclipse first, then add subversion into the mix.

  1. First get the supported version of eclipse: Eclipse Galileo SR2 Packages (v 3.5.2).
  2. Unpack the Eclipse archive somewhere. It will be the folder you use to run it from.
  3. Now install TDI 7.1 somewhere else. Make sure to check "Configuration Editor Update Site" in the custom install section.
    1. If you have it installed already, update the installation to include the update site by checking "Configuration Editor Update Site" in the TDI 7.1 installer.
  4. Put the latest ITDI fixpack on.
  5. Start your Eclipse and install EDO
    1. Help -> Install new software -> Add
    2. Pick EMF Update Site - from the "work with" drop down
    3. Expand the *EMF SDK 2.4.2 (EMF + SDL + XSD) package listing, and select the following packages for installation.
      1. EMF SDO - Service Data Objects Runtime
      2. EMF SDO Edit
      3. EMF SDO Editor
      4. EMF SDO SDK - Service Data Object SDK
      5. EMF SDO Source
    4. Select the full list of the EMF SDK 2.5.0 (EMF + XSD)
    5. Install and restart eclipse
    6. Go to the "install new sofware" and put in the local path of the TDI 7.1 update site, something like file:/C:/Program Files/IBM/TDI/V7.1/ce/update_site/
    7. Select TDI 7.1 and install it. You'll get prompts about the unsigned code, that's ok. Stop TDI, but do not start it yet.
  6. Edit your eclipse\configuration\config.ini and include the following (use the appropriate home folder):
# TDI class loader
TDI_HOME_DIR=c\:/Program Files/IBM/TDI/V7.1

  1. Create a shortcut to the eclipse, change the working directory ("Start in") to the TDI solution directory. From now on you need to use it to start the "pluginified" TDI.
  2. Configure eclipse to start with TDI's JVM. Edit C:\IBM\Eclipse\eclipse.ini and add the following using the path appropriate for your environment:
C:\Program Files\IBM\TDI\V7.1\jvm\jre\bin\javaw.exe
  1. Add the Subclips repo site -
  2. Select all items under the new site and click install. You'll be prompted that the install is an update. Click finish and restart TDI

How to configure TDI 7.0 to use subversion

Note: The following instructions are for TDI 7.0. TDI 7.1 seems to be somewhat different (see the next section)

Here is how to use subclipse in TDI to connect to SVN:

  • Start TDI. Go to help->software updates->Available software.
  • Configure the missing ganymede update repository by adding the following site -
  • Type "Equinox p2 Provisioning", select and install it. This plug-in seems to fix the issue that requires manually copying files from one folder to another (but not always)
  • Restart TDI
  • Go to help->software updates->Available software. Add the SubClips repo site -
  • Select all items under the new site and click install. You'll be prompted that the install is an update. Click finish and restart TDI

Due to the trimmed up nature of the eclipse used with TDI you might have to copy the subclipse plugin code manually even after it was successfully installed. To do this:

  • Stop TDI
  • Copy the contents of "C:\Program Files\IBM\TDI\V7.0\ce\eclipsece\p2\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.eclipse\plugins" to "C:\Program Files\IBM\TDI\V7.0\ce\eclipsece\plugins\" skipping any files that it tries to overwrite.
  • Start TDI back up.
  • Open the SVN repo perspective, right-click and add the SVN server. Put in your credentials and you are all set.

How to configure TDI 7 to compile TIM extensions

Why: So you have the convinience of doing all TIM related development in one place. I've been able to get Subclipse, Apache LDAP Studio, Pydev, J2EE to run happily under TDI 7.0 stripped-down Eclipse. Here is how to get it to compile apps that use TIM API's.

  • First, get and install IBM's Java 1.6
    • You could also copy it verbatim from an already installed location
xcopy /E /Y /I \\server\\Media\Tools\Java\ibm_sdk60 F:\Program Files\ibm_sdk60
  • * Set up PATH and CLASSPATH to your location if you copied it manually
  • Configure it as an alternate JRE in TDI.
    • Open the java build path in the TDI's eclipse properties
    • Go 'add library', 'alternate JRE', 'installed JREs'
    • In the 'installed JREs' hit 'Add...' and pick the folder where you've installed or copied the SDK to.
  • If you are not on the same machine that has TIM installed you'll need to copy the all the required TIM and WAS libraries and add them to your project as external libraries.
    • The scripts to automate copying the libs are here

How to start AMC as a service

from F:\Program Files\IBM\TDI\V6.1.1\AppServer\bin
WASService.exe -add "IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator AMC" -servername server1 -profilePath "F:\Program Files\IBM\TDI\V6.1.1\AppServer\profiles\amcprofile" -startType automatic

How to start AM as a service

F:\Program Files\IBM\TDI\V6.1.1\bin\amc>sc \\localhost create ITDI-AM binPath= "cmd /c \"F:\Program Files\IBM\TDI\V6.1.1\bin\amc\startAM.bat\"" DisplayName= "IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator - Action Manager" start= auto
F:\Program Files\IBM\TDI\V6.1.1\bin\amc>sc \\localhost create ITDI-AM binPath= "cmd /c start \"AM\" \"F:\Program Files\IBM\TDI\V6.1.1\bin\amc\startAM.bat\"" DisplayName= "IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator - Action Manager" start= auto
Make sure you leave the spaces as they are. Weird but true. Actually this will only start AM automatically. To stop it you'd have to kill the process. It also puts an error message that it faliled to start (which it didnt). This needs better error handling, like a use of a java service wrapper (google "service wrapper"). SC command is included in the windows service pack and bundled (?) with XP and win 2003 server

How to perform ITDI silent install on Windows

  • Generating the scripts.
if you want to record a script as you install run this
setupWin32.exe -options-record "itdi6install.isscript"
if you want to just produce a script without an actual installation run this
setupWin32.exe -options-template "itdi6install.isscript"
Use the attached files and run the following from a command line.
  • ITDI 6.0 silent install:
setupWin32.exe -options "itdi6install.isscript" -silent
  • ITDI 6.0 FixPack 3 silent install:
setupFSWin32.exe -options "itdi6fp3install.isscript" -silent -is:javahome "c:\program files\ibm\ibmdirectoryintegrator

Update ibmdisrv.bat and ibmditk.bat, and remove quotes from the values of PATH variable in 'set PATH' statement per FP3 installation instructions

@HowTo @ITDI